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'Unity Consciousness Books'
Unity Consciousness Books is part of the 'Inner Light' partnership. It has been set up to provide a means by which books (and other publications) in the 'Mind/Body/Spirit' genre may be published, printed and marketed - specifically (at present) those that have been researched and written by Hilary Jane Hargreaves and Mark John Brittain of 'Inner Light' (under the Guidance and direction of 'Unity Consciousness'). As a small self-publishing concern we are as yet unable to offer our services to other authors and writers in the MBS field - but would encourage any of you to give your own self-publishing a go, if you want to share your knowledge and wisdoms with others.
All Unity Consciousness Books are sold by the 'Inner Light' partnership, and you can purchase up to 10 books at a time through the on-line shop at www.innerlightcrystals.co.uk. Discounts are offered on multiple purchases of the same title - currently 10% off the RRP on 2-3 copies, and 15% off the RRP on 4 or more copies. NB: books must be purchased in a single order for discounts to apply; EU customers minimum spend £150.
If you trade as an MBS teaching establishment, a bookseller, or have a retail outlet and would like to buy any of our titles by the box (minimum order 2 boxes - 12 books) at trade discounts please visit our 'Wholesale Customer' page for more information.
The name 'Unity Consciousness' (for us, at 'Inner Light') refers to a Guiding Collective Consciousness that we have worked with for many years, comprising the Illumined and Higher life-streams that encompass the I AM (Divine) presence of all self-realised Cosmic and Ascended Masters, Angelics and Elohim. All have overseen and Guided our work for some time, and have always aided and supported us as we wrote and taught our material over the last decade or so: this Guidance has continued as we have worked on the material we have been asked to bring to Light - and will, I am sure, continue as we write and develop the books that are still to come in the series of Wisdoms and Teachings offered.
In 2010, following a five-year period of intense joint personal and
spiritual growth, a close friend and accomplished artist (who,
incidentally, was the Creator of the paintings used on the cover of
'Walking With Archangels') channelled our (Hilary and Mark's) "I AM"
soul portraits, which she gave to us, along with some words from
those who Guide and oversee our work, who said:
"As these two
create the One there are many opportunities for others to experience
the sense of expansion and fluidity that comes with the immortal
prospect of Divinity. Let those who seek the teachings and wisdom of
the Unified Ones find their need sated in Mark and Hilary. Let them
know that their directions are already determined, and that these
Two will help to set the compass bearings which show the way Home."
Hence, the logo we have chosen represents a Compass Rose, with
its eight points defining the cardinal directions in Gold - the
colour of Illumined Wisdom.
Anybody who has (or is) writing a book will have found out how difficult it is to get taken on by a Publisher - and be able to 'simply' write their book, and then kiss a fond farewell to all their hard work and hand it over to somebody else for the tasks of editing, publishing and marketing. In fact even those established authors who have a publishing contract will (unless they are very well-known) usually be responsible for much of their own publicity and marketing - which may beg the question 'why do it'! I know that many budding authors and writers who have a burning ambition to see their name in print - and a genuine need and desire to get whatever they have to say 'out into the world' for public consumption and enlightenment - will find they have to turn to self-publishing: but this does not mean that the finished result cannot be as good as many books you might find in bookshops from well-known authors and their publishers (* see below!); and (on the plus side) self-publishing does at least allow the author total control over the look, feel - and price - of the finished product. Obviously self-publishing is not for everyone: it is time-consuming and can be expensive. But it can also be rewarding to be able to add your 'ripples to the pond' and know that you have produced something that will still live on, even when you have 'shuffled off this mortal coil'!
* We are pleased to announce that 'Walking With Archangels' has been awarded GOLD (first place) in the 'BEST SELF-PUBLISHED SPIRITUAL BOOK OF THE YEAR' category of 'Soul & Spirit' magazine's Spiritual Book Awards for 2018. This confirms to us that it IS possible to produce a book with a very professional finish, even if you do not have the benefit of a publishing contract with a 'top notch' Publisher. Get the editing and formatting right - and don't compromise on quality - and you can create something to be truly proud of!